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Healthy Living Tips

Why is my dog sneezing so much?

Dogs are very social animals, they love to be around family and friends. Here's why is my dog sneezing so much and what you can do about it when he or she does start to sniffle. Why is my dog sneezing so much? Some dogs may have…

Do horses sleep standing up?

This is a blog post about do horses sleep standing up and why they stand up when they do. Find out how well horses sleep and learn about their anatomy. You'll also discover why horses do not lie down when they sleep and the reasoning behind…

Can cats eat peanut butter?

Here You Learn Can cats eat peanut butter? Ever wonder if your cat can eat peanut butter. Here are the facts on whether or not it is okay to feed your cat peanut butter. Learn about the can cats eat peanut butter and whether or not it is…

How much does a horse weigh?

Find out how much does a horse  weigh. This article will help you to learn about the average weight of different types of horses from ponies to draft horses. How much does a horse weigh? Horses are large animals that can weigh…

Why does my dog smell like fish?

Learn Why does my dog smell like fish, including possible causes of the odor. Tips on how to get rid of the smell are also provided. It's an embarrassing situation when you are out with your pet, and he or she smells really bad. but if you…

When do puppies open their eyes?

Here You Learn When do puppies open their eyes? Learn when do puppies open their eyes and discover additional puppy tips & advice for raising a happy, healthy puppy. Here is some information on how long it takes for a puppy to open its…

Can you eat peach skin?

Peaches are delicious and nutritious, but we rarely think about their skins. This article explores can you eat peach skin? Peaches are a delicious summer fruit that can be enjoyed fresh or cooked in many different recipes. However, have you…

Does cinnamon have calories?

Does cinnamon have calories? Find out here. Cinnamon has been used for thousands of years in different cultures to treat a variety of ailments. Nowadays, people use it as a spice that can add flavor and aroma to their food. If you’re…