
5 Good Habits to Help Improve Your Eye Health

Did you know that 80% of what you learn comes through your eyes? Also, 80% of your memory comes from what you see. Similarly, 80% of known vision issues, including eyesight problems among kids can be prevented or even fixed.

Your health depends critically on your eyes, which are always functioning. Your nonverbal communication consists mostly of reading and communicating with your eyes. Your eyes may represent your health and well-being, as well as your emotions. In certain cases, merely glancing into someone’s eyes will reveal whether they are ill.

As you age, healthy eyesight is essential for general well-being, freedom, and quality of life. It is a reality that your eyes get less healthy as you age. Continue reading to discover how to maintain your vision’s best possible condition.

Here are the 5 Good Habits to Help Improve Your Eye Health:

  1. Protect your eyes from UV radiation.

Overexposure to sunshine and UV radiation can result in photokeratitis, often known as corneal sunburn. It increases your chance of developing age-related macular degeneration. Put on those sunglasses to protect your eyes while making a fashion statement and spicing up your overall look.

If you don’t want to use sunglasses, UV-protected eyeglasses or contact lenses will do. Additionally, wearing hats, visors, and caps is a smart option.

  1. Be mindful of the 20-20-20 rule.

Your eyes work hard all day and need a break. Your body may experience a lot of stress if you sit at a computer for extended periods. Follow the 20-20-20 rule to keep them in good shape. Take a 20-second break from your computer every 20 minutes to look at anything 20 feet away.

  1. Maintain clean hands and lenses.

Diseases and germs can also harm your eyes. Your eyesight may be affected by even the smallest things that irritate them.

Therefore, always wash your hands before handling your contact lenses or touching your eyes. It’s important to clean your hands and properly disinfect your contact lenses. As directed by the manufacturer or your physician, you should also replace your contact lenses regularly.

  1. Eat well, drink plenty of water, and get enough rest.

Eye health depends on various nutrients, including beta-carotene, lutein, omega-3 fatty acids, lycopene, and vitamins C, A, and E. Make sure a range of foods are rich in those nutrients in your diet. The health of your eyes and the rest of your body depends on getting adequate water. Drinking enough water can prevent dryness and inflammation in your eyes.

Last but not least, your eyes require recharging just like the rest of your body. Make sure you get enough sleep every night to rejuvenate your eyes.

  1. Quit smoking.

You already know that smoking harms your lungs, heart, and every other organ in your body and your skin, teeth, and hair. Smoking also damages your eyes.

The Final Verdict

Even while you might not have considered washing your hands frequently, giving up smoking, drinking enough water, and getting enough sleep as critical actions for maintaining eye health, they all have an impact.

You cannot completely protect yourself from eye diseases with a healthy lifestyle and eye protection from the sun and external objects. They can all, however, lessen your risk of experiencing vision problems. Additionally, always remember that it’s essential to have frequent eye exams so an eye doctor can identify and address potential issues before symptoms arise.