
Here Are Three Cloud Advantages to Consider for Your RIS or PACS

 Cloud computing has been used in radiology for more than two decades, and its advantages are clear. Cloud computing enables businesses to “more efficiently run their enterprises, better serve their customers, and drastically boost their overall profit margin,” according to a study done by Salesforce, the leading worldwide CRM (Salesforce). They also found that after moving to the cloud, security was increased for 94% of companies.

Ram Soft has been deploying its web-based solutions on the cloud for over 10 years, and our customers have reaped major benefits from doing so, despite the continued skepticism and concerns of many in the radiology profession. Switching to cloud computing is not futuristic; it is already in use and producing positive results. And this is why we think every radiology clinic should move to the cloud immediately! for more info visit

Changing your RIS/PACS from a server on-site to a secure cloud service has three significant benefits.

1) Reduce Expenses

When a radiology practice hosts its RIS and PACS in the cloud, it never has to worry about the security or upkeep of its local servers or backups. When you store patient information in the cloud, you can reduce the amount of time spent on routine maintenance by the cloud service provider. In addition, expanding your business is much easier in the cloud because you can scale up or down your storage capacity in response to demand.

Phase Two: Operations and Maintenance.

Remote solution deployment and maintenance are made easier and more efficient by the cloud’s always-on access to cutting-edge storage and processing technologies, which eliminates the need for a specialist to travel to the site of installation. Even after deployment, it’s easy and convenient for customers to get support because it’s all done remotely.

Secure and safe from natural disasters and other dangers

Diagnostic imaging data saved in the cloud is protected from human error and natural disasters thanks to redundant servers in many locations. Also, patient information is safer in the cloud because it is managed by people who are trained in information security.

To improve treatment, care for patients as a group.

Cloud computing offers these advantages to the healthcare industry, and possibly more. By moving their operations to the cloud, radiology clinics can increase their chances of facilitating interoperability and integration with other platforms. This means better care for patients in the form of shorter wait times, remote access to photos and reports, easier scheduling, and faster diagnosis.